View potential profit for any options strategy.

Options Profit Calculator just changed the options trading game. Building the perfect strategy is now possible. Whether you have already entered a position or are planning your trades for the next day, Options Profit Calculator makes computing option prices at any underlying price quick and easy.

Available for free on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.



Options Profit Calculator makes computing option prices at any underlying price quick and easy.

From beginner options traders who are just starting out to professionals with years of experience, Options Profit Calculator can offer convenience to your trading workflow.

Live Market Data

Live market data prefills bid/ask prices and implied volatility for your convenience but is completely editable by you.

Options Finder

Scan the entire option chain based on your expected move in the underlying and initial outlay to filter out uninteresting and irrelevant options.

Options traders love it.

Options Profit Calculator was created out of pure need for a comprehensible and uncomplicated way to build options strategies on the go.

"This app is perfect for deciding what trades to execute and gives you the visualization on how the trade will play out and when the best time to exit is. I’ve been using it for months and directly attribute it to my success in over $80k in profit."



"I just started learning about options trading, and this app makes it really easy to understand the risk vs reward of different positions. Highly recommended!"




"I purchased this app right around when it first launched. Since then this has been my go to app for setting and experimenting options strategies. Not only is this an amazing app to learn how different options and combinations will impact your p&l over time, but it is unbelievably useful in planning out real time trades."



"Being able to add multiple legs and complex options positions on an app is a must for any options trader. This app does it."



"There will always be a risk with options. This app gives you the ability to calculate those risks against your tolerance and show you exactly (mostly) where you’ll end up whichever way your ticker moves. Don’t go in blind! This app has seriously paid for itself 100+ fold. Thank you for a great tool!!"



"This app provides a great view of essentially all possible outcomes at one time. Fast. Smooth strategy entry flow. Great update to show/hide legs can be used as a way to compare as well. Reasonable price. Responsive developer. Works well on iPhone and iPad for me."

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